Email to bills - Ability to add note that's included in History & Notes of the bill
We generally forward incoming bills for payment to Xero by emailing the bill to resulting in them getting queued in 'Draft' - which of course is a beautiful feature. At that point our finance manager will go through and process them to the point of Awaiting Payment (i.e. check them, allocate as appropriate, etc.).
On occasion there is additional information people in the business may wish to communicate to the finance manager about this (e.g. where it should be allocated to, or other descriptive information/special instructions).
Presently this requires a separate email to be sent to the finance manager, typically containing a copy of the invoice, explaining, etc. Then finance manager must remember this when processing that invoice.
It would be nice to have the ability to incorporate free text in the email which would automatically appear in the History & Notes section, so it is attached to the bill all the way through. It could be just free text written in the body of the email with some sort of easy to type, unlikely to be found elsewhere, suffix (eg. '///')
To illustrate with an example:
I send a bill through from new vendor where allocation is ambiguous for anyone but myself, but I know it should be allocated to 'Marketing' .
The bill is attached to a clean (no copy in the body) email ready to send to
I go into the body of the email and type: '/// allocate to marketing please'
In the history and notes section for this bill there appears a time-stamped note showing the source and stating: 'allocate to marketing please'
Finance manager incorporates into her work process to check History & Notes prior to processing bills.
This would be amazing.

Jay Craddock commented
I consider this an essential feature. We need to communicate for almost every new bill.
Thanks for recording this feature request.