Contact | Copy & paste phone numbers when adding or editing a contact
I create new contacts all the time, often while creating an invoice. I usually only have a few details on hand to start creating the contact (name, email, phone number). So I flick between windows, copying from one and pasting into Xero's "create new customer" dialogue right there on the invoice edit screen.
It's the phone number I have the most trouble with. If there are any space characters in the (usually mobile) phone number I have copied - and there pretty much always are spaces when copying from an email or whatever - then nothing will paste into the phone number field in Xero. Not even a truncated phone number shows up, missing 3 or so characters because of the 3 or so spaces in the original copied string. FYI I ignore the "code" and "area" fields because too difficult, I just use the "number" field because it still displays properly after saving.
Please allow pasting into this field while ignoring "space" characters. It should be really easy to implement.
I imagine a similar thought process could go into anywhere an ABN needs to be copied/pasted into a dialogue in Xero, but I haven't teased out the exact behaviour in that case.