UK Payroll - Pension file to display gross earnings
PAPDIS file download to include total Gross Salary and not just the Salary with the £520 not pensionable deducted and the pension provider we use (Creative) expects this in their upload. EVery month I have to edit Gross Pensionable Pay for all employees to add the £520 on the PAPDIS CSV I download.

Amy Turner commented
Completely agree, it would be great if gross pay is included on the download to save the manual intervention when completing pension files.
Mike Roberts commented
Xero also doesn't populate the employer and employee amounts after opt out.
On a positive note, it is just as well that Xero doesn't automatically send files that will fail validation upon receipt by Smart Pension
Alison Rowcliffe commented
It would be very helpful to include the total gross salary on the PAPDIS CSV download file as would save a lot of time having to manually enter this every month as this is a requirement for Creative Pension Trust.
Carol Botterill commented
Same here - there's something fundamentally wrong about having to manually manipulate this information prior to upload
Sarah Edwards commented
Pensionable Pay total needed! Within Pension Filings of each month, you can download the report either in pdf or csv. We currently are downloading the CSV file, finding the pensionable pay column and adding the formula in to add up these figures. Please please can you show the total pensionable pay in the pdf file as this would be much easier.
Julie Moir commented
I agree, we also use Creative and having to edit the Gross Pensionable pay for all employees every month means that errors can creep in to our pension reporting.