AU Payroll - Superannuation Guarantee Charge form report
When a client fails to pay Superannuation Guarantee levy on time the employer should lodge a Super Guarantee charge form. Is it possible to develop a form where the affected employees can be printed & exported to excel to enable a simple "cut & paste"? If the ATO have started an investigation this can save many hours of work especially if the period covered is several years.

Karen Bonar commented
This 100% essential for Bookkeepers and Accountants a like to prepare SGC statements for clients when they miss their Super payments. For 50 Employees it has taken me 2hours to copy & past section by section where I can, then type up all the Suburb, State & Postcodes into the one cell that contains the Address becuase Xero has them in different cells (for good reason) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help future preparers of SGC statements but creating a CSV file that can extract all these details into the correct cells for the ATO.
. . commented
With STP reporting, ATO is requesting SGC lodgement from many clients and this report would be very valuable addition to Xero.
Kahnsulting - Business Advisory commented
This is a fantastic idea!
Sasha Nicely commented
This would be fab!
Gayle Saunders commented
So many of my clients pay late and getting these figures together is time consuming and frustrating.
PS. Clyde I am using your spreadsheet - hope that is ok?
Sasha Nicely commented
Report for Superannuation Guarantee Statements (SGC) as required by the ATO.
We regularly are required to prepare SGC statements in excel for the ATO for late / missed super payments. The information is not available in a single report, and where there are large number of employees this report can take a long time to prepare.
It would be very useful, if we could have a report (see attached) exportable to excel to use to upload into the SGC statements required.
Thank you
Renee Padberg commented
This is essential. A way to know when a super guarantee charge form is required and to mark it as processed would be great too. Every payment that is processed late needs the form. The system should be able to identify these late payments easily.