Quotes - Don't highlight all text when selecting a field
There is a weird issue when entering in text in the 'Descripton' box in a Quote.
Once the text is entered if you then leave the description box and then click back into it, all the text in that field is highlighted.
This is a little problem when you want to delete one character as it deletes the whole text.
If you Control V the text back....it hasn't copied the text to put it back in.
So, you lose all the text entered.
I understand you can click a few times to stop it highlighting the whole text.
But, it would be great if all the text in the Description box wasn't automatically highlighted just by clicking back in the box.
Accidental deletion of text, wouldn't occur then.
All other documents, billing invoices, sales invoices etc do not do this.
Please can Quotes be the same.