Profit & Loss Detail Report - Option to expand account sections without having to rerun report.
A default "Profit & Loss Detail" report is a standard option in pretty much every other bookkeeping system I've worked in and necessary for many companies.
An additional option of running a standard P&L Report, but also being able to expand account sections to see the detail without opening a new report would be very useful for researching issues. It is tedious to continually run the report I need, only to click on one line item and then have to go back and run the original report again to continue researching.

Rick Howard commented
I hope this isn't true. A detailed P&L is so basic. If Xero does not provide this type of report, then I made a big mistake in switching to them. Please say it isn't so!!! FYI: I have no association to the other person posting "Julie Howard". Just two users with a similar concern. .. And the other comment I am reading from Angela Ofner is disturbing too! No one from Xero responded on this post?
Julie Howard commented
I also need this feature. I'm surprised it's not a feature.
Angela Ofner commented
I also need a detailed P&L report. Will Xero ever respond to our inquiries?