Reports - Show invoice number in GST F5 Return
When running the Transactions by box number tab of the GST F5 Return, the Invoice Number will not be shown if we have already entered a reference on the invoice.
If there is no reference entered, Xero will then show the Invoice Number under the 'Reference' column instead. Screenshot attached.
This makes it difficult to do checking as most users do use the reference when creating invoice but showing the reference usually does not have much significance to the accountant/bookkeeper who is doing the checks for GST submission.
We do hope that the Invoice Number column can also be shown in the Transactions by box number tab of the GST F5 Return report.

TAN PECK KEE commented
yes I agreed with you that it is very difficult to do checking when the Reference column is no showing Invoice numberings.
If Xero is able to have the "Reference" column populated with the Invoice numbers in GST reports, that will be more useful. -
Esther Chiong commented
I want to highlight to the Xero Team that the inability to display the invoice number on the Transaction by box number report is causing significant inconvenience.
Pauline Lim commented
Invoice field is crucial and critical for GST report, how Zero passed the UAT before it go live?
Ng Chong Han commented
Invoice number is the basic need across all reports. I am not sure why XERO do not include this column.
Auditor One commented
Our sales invoice are base on posted date, thus some invoices will cross over to another month ( especially during month end). We need to be able to reconcile by Invoice Number. Pls add in the invoice column , if will save us a lot of time.
Tuhi Davies commented
Being able to reconcile by Invoice Number is crucial.
New Activity Statement doesn't allow this and makes the process alot longer if you are reconciling. -
Abel Eng commented
Invoice Number is generated by the system in running number which is a must for tracing all invoice. Where the reference is helping to relate the invocie with remarks for billing such as quotation no., job no., PIC etc...
Abel Eng commented
The Invoice number is the main reference as per our charge to client payable for tax. It is much more efficient if the reference is listed for reconciliation.
Monica Ang commented
Very important to have the invoice number especially if the amount does not tally against my report. Reconciliation by invoice number will be very very important.