Multi Currency - Exchange Rate Import and Export
Please look into the idea for Importing and Exporting exchange rate from Xero for the ease of update if default XE Rate is not used by the organisation and the export function to generate exchange rates used for the period.

Prabhu Rajendran commented
Hi Team,
Can you please help to upload one file for Exchange rates. As our organization have multiple currency transactions. We have variance calculated for the Exchange Rates. Can you please help us in uploading a csv file for Exchange rates, rather than updating for each of the currencies on a particular date, it would be great, if we can upload it as a file for each day or month. Please review and advise. Thanks -
Renzana Van Zyl commented
Most of my clients are in the EU and want to use the ECB rates for transactions and not - can a choice of exchange not be included in the set up process or when activating the multicurrency option . I now have to enter the rates daily manually - it would save a LOT of time
Josh Woodman commented
I would like to be able to import exchange rates for foreign currencies for a whole period, rather than having to manually enter each date individually. For an organisation that has a authorised exchange rate provider, this would save a lot of time if we could import, perhaps in a csv file, like we can with bank transactions.