Project Summary report - "Project to Date" time period option
We often need to generate Project reports for the time period 'Project to Date'.
This isn't an option in the Project Summary report. Can this be built-in as a further standard option?

Sarah Woodcock commented
I need to produce a monthly list of completed projects ie all jobs finished and paid in a month but when you produce a report, and set the dates from 1st to 31st, it goes by invoice/expense date so, if 1 invoice in a project paid in the beginning of the next month, it puts that invoice on its own in then next month, thus splitting the project so not showing the correct profit margin. I am going to have to manually do this once I've exported the information into an editable document, which will take hours. Also, as another user said, we need invoice paid date as that's the date that's important for us, the date we get the money. This would mean I would be able to present Work in Progress at the end of the month too. As it is, it doesn't work as it only applies invoice/expense date to the report. So, Projects isn't really doing anything for us except grouping invoices and expenses to the job, which we did for years on an Excel spreadsheet, which, it seems I'm going to have to do anyway, even though we've paid for Projects.