Budget Variance Consolidated Report - Option to customise date range
Budget Variance Report for 12 months.
Currently the budget variance report is restricted within a selected date range. If we are able to customize the budget variance for the below two options:
Option 1: If there is an option to run the variance report for previous financial year for the 12 individual month with the actual and budget variance.
Option 2: For current Financial Year, if there is an option to customize the monthly actual and budget variance report including the budget for the reminder of 11 months.

Maxine Bright commented
Yes, please vote, we need a report that will consolidate all our individual 'BUDGET's' into a single report that shows our total income v budget from all our tracking categories for any period. Or at this point I would be happy if I can just get a consolidated budget.
kirsten Reid commented
Users: Please also vote for this Idea to make changes happen! Many thanks
Reporting - Budgets by tracking category to integrate with master overall budget