NZ Payroll: To be able to backdate a change in employees pay
I would like to have the ability to reflect a new increase from the agreed-upon date. Often, salary reviews occur after the financial year-end and need to be backdated. However, Xero does not allow for backdating when other payroll systems do. You have to make a note of the actual start date, which isn't reflected in any reporting, making it not very useful.
Additionally, there should be the ability for an advanced support person to modify information, enabling them to roll back a change. I recently encountered an issue where third-party software changed the review date of a salary to a more recent date (only the date changed). However, when I requested the change to be rolled back to the original date, Xero did not offer this kind of customer service. Anyone who has worked in the IT industry knows that you can roll back changes that often won't affect the system.