Xero Analytics | Short-Term Cash Flow - Change payment dates from within Short-Term Cashflow Screen
While reviewing the short-term cash flow report, a client may realise that there is a bottleneck and spread out some bill payments by changing the payment dates. It would be great to be able to do this from within the Short-Term Cashflow (on the same screen that the issue is identified) to see the results immediately and the improvement in cash flow.

Rosalie Kidney commented
My BAS is always due 1 month after the standard ATO date, but I cannot change this in cashflow. This is important for me.
Charlotte Doyle commented
The ability to amend excepted dates for bills and invoices for the short term cash flow. The ability to only amend these when they are already overdue is not useful. Also being able to exclude certain bills from the cash flow (eg ones paid through credit card)