Bank Statements - Support OFX importing with multiple statements per file
I am working with Société Générale (France) and we are not so lucky to have the automated bank transactions functionality. Our bank is combining both main bank movement and credit card movements in their OFX format.
This currently gives me the following error message in Xero : The file selected contains more than one statement which is not currently supported. Download a file with transactions for one account and try again.
My error message finds its cause in the fact that I have an export from the bank that contains both <bankmsgrsv1> and <creditcardmsgrsv1> transactions.
Why does Xero not allow for multiple statements?
This now results in hefty manual manipulation of my OFX exports which I believe can be easily avoided if Xero would allow for multiple statement acceptation for the same bank account..
Does any one else have this problem?