Bank reconciliation - Find and Match transactions to show Minor Adjustments variances
A setting in the backend to turn on/off to find and match transactions within a certain amount (i.e.-/+0.05).
These are usually (if not always a rounding adjustment). It's currently a 4-step process to add a minor adjustment.
Also, selecting minor adjustment or bank fee, can the difference auto populate in the amount field?!!

Quinn Fidler commented
Autocompleting minor adjustments on Find and Match.
Add a section to company settings allowing the adjustment of thresholds (e.g. +/- 0.10 or +0.05, -0.10) for automatic entry of minor adjustments.
Find and Match can tell when there is minor variance, and displays it but requires manual entry of that variance, which is almost always within 5p. Usually these are caused by different rounding and calculation of tax amounts from Xero entry vs supplier bill.
Allowing users to auto complete these saves clicks, and potential entry error, and having thresholds available allows companies to define their risk tolerance for these before requiring human intervention.
Coupled with some of the other suggestions for better tracking of minor adjustments would be helpful.
Andrew Stevens commented
Auto allocate payments and receipts that match to the nearest $. Amounts that do not match perfectly including cents do not auto allocate. It would be great if this did so we don't need to include the cents when making payments. Going with this would be an automatic write off of all cents amounts so they don't sit on recons.