Transactions report - all info in one line per transaction (not a second PST line)
Report for "Account Transactions" should only produce one line per transaction.
Currently, the report splits off a separate line for the PST component of each transaction, adding "- PST" in the description and to the contact name, and pulls the PST amount out of "Gross".
I need an account transaction report that includes GST, PST and the unit price in "gross" on a single line per transaction. These gross values will match the bank statement, and have the description/reference/contact and the account(s) the transaction was coded to.
The easiest approach is to have additional columns to select from, and (critically) only one line per transaction. Columns could be: "Gross", "PST", "GST", "Net" ... so if a purchase was made on $100 with 5% GST and 7% PST, the line would look like:
Date / Purchased Item / $112 Gross / $7 PST / $5 GST / $100 Net / Description / Contact / etc.
Currently, to get that kind of report, I need to export a CSV and use spreadsheet magic to isolate out the PST lines, and then add the PST back into the "gross"!

Przemek Cerazy commented
This PST issue has been bothering me for a while.
PST is also treated very strangely in the Projects module. If you assign an expense to Projects, only the pre-tax amount will be linked. When you are billing the expenses to a customer, you miss out on the PST as it is not tagged to the Project.
I wonder if this could be an easy fix - add a function under sales tax, similar to GST, where you can make it recoverable or not.