Lock Previous Year End Accounts & "Compare with" Custom Dates
When changing the year end for a client, it would be nice if previous year's could be locked in dates, fixed assets, etc.
Once the year end is changed, it seems to amend the dates for the previous year in all reports too, if (for example) the new year end means the current "year" runs to 13+ months (such as when the year end is extended): it's hard to get the comparative period in any popular reports to show the previous year as it was filed.
And especially in the TB, I can't get it to show a period for more than a year.
It seems this could be fixed either with customisable comparative periods, or by locking dates post-filing? (Which would help with the Fixed Asset issues too).

Peter Willis commented
As a company that works off 13 * 4 weekly periods this would make a huge difference as our year end date changes every year