Contacts - Restore deleted files / Prompt to confirm when removing
Move the Delete button away from preview in files attached to contacts.
So many times, I have accidently deleted files attached to contacts. The delete button is right next to the preview. There is no way to restore once deleted..

KSI SAWMILLS commented
I agree with this 100% - and once it is accidently deleted, there is no trash folder to restore it from. Terrible, terrible feature !!!
Belinda Batty commented
I agree with this, and have made the same mistake. There is no extra prompt to ask if you want to delete the file within the Contact. The 'View' and delete buttons should not be next to each other to avoid this from happening.
Margaret Valletta commented
When deleting file from an invoice, a prompter comes up asking if we really want to delete that file. But as noted above, with a contact that has files attached, there is no prompter to make sure the file is not deleted by accident. PLEASE make this happen! It is way to easy to delete important attachments that are irretrievable