CIS - Email annual statements
At the moment I cannot email end of year CIS statements through Xero to contractors like I can for monthly CIS statements.
It would be very helpful to have this facility as I have to download PDF for EACH contractor (which can be very time consuming) and email individually at year end.
This is a requirement as a CIS main contractor, so should be automated and easier for us to do this. Thanks

Georgina Mellors commented
Every year we have subcontractors who request an annual statement to confirm all their payments/deductions for their Tax Returns - PLEASE can this facility be added to Xero, I honestly think most businesses would benefit from this basic (and I'd have thought, obvious) facility.
Note - I download the monthly PDF Statements and email those to each subcontractors but this request is for an annual summary report for each individual subcontractor, verification for what figures to include in their Tax Returns.
Thank you.
Chris King commented
So glad i have found someone else pointing this out. Seems like such an easy feature to email out the annual statement or copy of each monthly statement. We've got 159 Annual Statements to send out individually!