UK Payroll | Working pattern - Allocate pay rate and allow multiple patterns per employee
I work for a company where our employees can work on multiple contracts with different pay rates and different working hours for example 2 hours tues and wed at £11.50ph and thurs at £11.75.
It would be useful if you could allocate an hourly rate to a specific working pattern and then be able to allocate multiple patterns to one employee

Julia Daglish commented
I need to be able to set up more than one pay rate for staff, remembering to change pay rates on payslips does not work.
Option required so that when setting up employees you can put more than one rate on the start up section, was able to do this when I worked for an organisation so hoping this can be implemented on zero.
Jenny Caradonna commented
You should be able to add another job role for an employee as sometimes an employee has more than one separate job with the compnay that are on different rates of pay with different start / end dates/holiday entitlement etc so the jobs need to be treated separately but Xero needs to recognise them as the same person for tax, national insurance, pension etc.