Bank Reconciliation - Option to Save a draft reconciliation for completing later
Reconciling funds - I need to be able to save Reconciling items while I'm half way through reconciling.
eg - I receive large amounts via bank statement - eg $16,000. That $16,000 will be made up of 10 holiday home bookings. Then I break down each booking into cleaning, credit card fees, our company commission, Airbnb commission, etc etc. Sometimes there may be up to 80-100 lines of items. Currently I can not save and it is really frustrating as it can take an hour to do and then if I have to leave or can't reconcile I need to investigate further.

Admin SpeedQueen commented
When matching hundreds of invoices to a payment in find and match, a function to be able to save a draft while selecting.
Would be very handy (I accidentally closed the tab on a $200000 find and match tab, some invoices are as small as $1.45 - It took hours)