Invoicing: Email receipt from within Invoice
At present, using Xero's Invoicing templates, you cannot send a "Receipt" from the Invoice -> Email screen. It prints as "Tax Invoice" with a zero balance. You have to click into the payment applied and send a "Receipt" from there.
If Xero labelled a paid Invoice as a 'Receipt', then surely we could use 'Receipt' templates - as you cannot unless using an advanced docx template with custom coding.
Secondary to that, Email templates - not being able to have a 'Receipt' template means that our "Receipts" go out with Xero's "View Full Invoice and Pay" message at the bottom of the email. The buttons to view online also say "View Invoice".
As nuanced as wording can be, hopefully you can appreciate that the difference between "Invoice" and "Receipt" is quite distinct and this issue causes unnecessary confusion for customers.