UK Payroll - Correct rounding when employee earnings are split
There is an issue in payroll where you will get a rounding error due to other pay items such as Leave/Holiday.
e.g. Salary £12,570 per year
Paid in May the calculations are as follows:
1685.692935=£956.41308 Rounded: £956.41
85.692935=£45.54348 Rounded: £45.54
8*5.692935=£45.54348 Rounded: £45.54
Total = £1047.50084 Rounded Total: £1047.49 instead of £1047.50
This should be corrected somehow to use the correct number before rounding as the final calculation. The rounding can either be ignored from the line items, added to the first line item (the total pay) or added as a new line item specifically for the rounding error.
I would also like the option to just disable the Leave/Holiday line items on the payslip as the annual pay per month is the same regardless of when holiday was taken. This would be an alternative fix to this issue.