Invoicing - Payment link takes customer to Organization Name & Address that can differ from the Branding Theme
Recent changes have gutted our ability to operate under two distinct business names (Branding) under the same Xero account. Our Xero organization name and address is now included by default (and without the option to hide it) on Invoice emails and on Payment acceptance links. This was previously not the case.
This completely breaks branding for us, and I'm not quite sure why this change was made. What is the point of having branding at all of we can't control what organization details are provided to the customer? Support suggested I open another Xero account. That's not an option - we operate under a single set of books.
I've included screenshots of the issue. Fortunately Purchase Orders have not (yet) been affected by this issue. Invoice templates seem to be fine - but the payment links within them take the customer to a page that includes off-branding details. And the wrapper around the email template includes default organization details that we don't want.
This is a breaking change for us. Please upvote if you've also been frustrated by this change.