Reporting - Monthly and Annually Recurring Payments to Suppliers
Please explore the possibility of generating a report that efficiently and clearly captures Recurring Payments made to any contact or supplier with either monthly or yearly frequency?
Currently, this is not achievable without significant manual effort to extract data from various reports in Xero. While I’m aware that the "Repeating Bill Payment" feature setup can also aid with producing a report of this nature, most clients do not use this setup, and the information isn't sufficient.
Payments have been processed in Xero through various methods, including bills, direct debits, and spend money transactions. The desired report should be able to extract all of this information, showing the contact, recurrence (within a specified date range), the amounts, and the payment method. Ideally, the report should also compare periods—separating data across multiple accounting periods if the date range spans more than one year.
I look forward to your response, Xero!