Reporting - Better filtering in Reconciliation Reports
Where there is more than one bank account in an organization, it would be very useful to be able to filter out a particular Cat Code, separately , within each bank account. Currently one gets the entire Cat Code for the entire organization, showing all the bank accounts. Also, the column "Tax" remains blank when a bank account's reconciliations for the date selected are chosen. Please see my uploaded example of just one bank account's reconciliations, which contains every transaction, but no tax shown. The report shows "Gross" and "Net" to be equal, when in fact there are many with tax. I have uploaded an example of a taxable item bill showing the tax, which doesn't show on the Reconciliation Report (see 08/11/2024 , gross amount 8950.21, bill showing tax amount 1167.42). Yet the Gross and Net on the report are the same. Thank you in advance, Adi.