NZ GST - Export file to include "GST Return" in naming convention
The new modernised GST returns in Xero no longer export the report name in the exported file name. The document only has the client name and date, not the report type anymore. Should say "XXXX Ltd 30 11 2024 GST Return", whereas it currently only says XXXX Ltd 30 11 2024". Inefficient to have to manually add the words "GST Return" for each report produced in Blue Xero when sending multiple documents to clients. Is there a way to get it back? Within the document itself it says the report type, but would be preferred to be included in the file name too, when exporting a lot of documents

Joanne Scott commented
Can you please pass onto the development team that it would be REALLY USEFUL if when a GST return is exported as a pdf from the GST return screen (since we can't publish it anymore) can the file name include "GST Return" instead of just the client name and the period end date. We have to add this EVERYTIME before sending to the client for approval to efile or saving it.
EG: the file name is exported as:
XXXX Trust 31_01_2025
and we need to change it so the file name is:
XXXX Trust GST Return 31_01_2025Ditto when exporting a report from the published reports screen if it could include the date from the field in the publish screen page.
That would be awesome and hopefully is an easy fix for Xero.
Darin Robinson commented
The loss of this feature is annoying.