NZ Tax - IR3 Individual Tax Return option for end users
I am a sole trader. I started using Xero to see how it helped with my taxes. The road has been... rocky. Largely because Xero largely ignores soletraders and their specific needs.
For instance, Xero has no IR3 reports (NZ IRD) set up that we can use.
And we can't have depreciation amounts at the same time as accounts in a report.
We also can't limit which accounts appear in a report.
For me, as a sole trader, I have wound up with personal and business expenses and income mixed in my bank accounts. I have also created personal accounts that let me categorise my personal expenses in accounts that I have specifically setup so that they don't get mixed into my business information.
Previously to Xero, I used a bank account importer, and a spreadsheet for 20 years as a sole trader. Worked fine, if not very elegant.
Now I find that in order to submit my IR3 return, I can get various pieces of information out of Xero, which I then type into my IR3 return spreadsheet.
There's no way of getting this specific information out of Xero as a report.
PLEASE, PLEASE just give us the ability to get our specific information out in one go.
An IR3 report (that we can adjust) would be a good start.
But it definately needs the ability to limit which accounts are appearing in that report.