1458 results found
Quotes - Include reference in quote acceptance email notification
Ability to include the reference with quote acceptance email. Currently the email notification only has the account name and quote number.
1 vote -
Bills - Categorising hire purchase or loans from aged payables
Having the option of when adding a purchase invoice which is for a hire purchase or a loan agreement, then Xero automatically removes the aged payable balance from the listing and posts to a Hire Purchase/Loan nominal code to avoid having HPs/Loans in the payable listings - I know that this is a feature that other accounting systems have, such as FreeAgent.
1 voteI know it's been some time since you first started this idea, Harry. There's been lots of discussions from other users on Xero Central about recording Hire purchase transactions, and if you're using Xero's Fixed Assets you'll find steps on how to do this in our article here.
There's no logic in Xero to automatically detect where a transactions is for hire purchase or a loan, however if you've set up a liability account that you can record these sort of transactions to, it's a simple process of choosing this account when recording the transaction in Xero.
Tbh we don't have any immediate plans for changing how this works in Xero for the short term.
Purchase orders - Expand Overview columns to fit the width of the page
Please change the table view on the Business --> Purchase Orders (Purchase Order Overview) to be the same as the Invoice Overview, which expands to fill the width of the page, as the current Purchases Overview is truncated and you cannot see pertinent purchase order details; like the PO name as an example.
5 votes -
Allocate Credit - View total at top and option to sort
It would be nice if the "Allocate Credit Balance" screen could be changed:
Sometimes there are a lot of invoices to be matched to one overpayment or to one big credit note. The practice is to allocate the credit towards the older outstanding invoices, first. The credit total available to match, is shown at the bottom. This means you have to keep scrolling to the bottom to see what amount is still left to allocate. Can you please show the Remaining Credit to allocate, at the top as well please? And/or show the older invoices at the bottom with the…2 votes -
Inventory - Column to show date of last price update
Inventory - have a column on the main products/services page that shows when the last price update was made so able to know if the latest price is shown. Would feed from the individual product/service item. Would be super helpful to know for tradespeople so they know they are charging the items at the latest price.
2 votes -
Dashboard - New updated "look" and Shortcuts to main features
I would love to see a newer updated "look" similar to what Freshbooks or Quickbooks Online has. They have a very streamlined look. I like how they have the tabs on the side that say "invoice" and "expenses" without having to go through the dropdown menus.
3 votesHi team, while not a solve for an updated 'look' of the dashboard we wanted to make sure everyone on this idea was aware of some of the shortcuts that can help you get around and create transactions from many screens.
The '+' icon next to Search in the blue banner enables you to create a range of different document types, similarly there are shortcuts that can be entered in Search from the blue navigation bar that will take you to different features such as bank accounts, the files library or reports. See more on these in our help article here.
Invoices / Bills - Option to copy line above
Whilst doing multiline bills and invoices we need a key stroke shortcut that copies the line above to reduce time taken to enter data. I was used to this in sage. I REALLY miss it. Please!!!!
52 votesAppreciate wanting this feature if the line is unique, Melanie. However, if the lines are for items you regularly buy or sell, perhaps you could set up untracked inventory items to be able to quickly select and fill fields of your invoices and bills?
Sales - Complete POS solution
Hi i can't believe you don't have a POS app tablets for use in cafes and shops. a quick google api for databasing while offline and it would be solid as. you only need to support a handful of thermal printers and cash draws. just look what vend is doing. it would be a huge product if deployed correctly
3 votesHi Douglas, while we don't have a POS app ourselves you'll find Xero integrates with many different POS solutions, including Vend. You can explore the range of these on our App store.
We don't have any immediate plans for expanding into this area atm, but we'll keep tracking the interest of this here and share if there's any plans made. Thanks
Dashboard - Awaiting Approval in Bills Section
Add a line item/total for 'Awaiting approval' to the 'Bills you need to pay' section of the Dashboard.
20 votes -
Invoicing - Ability to bulk update product details within draft invoices
For a food wholesaler, product prices can change weekly. Select each draft invoice & bulk change product prices
3 votes -
Invoices and Bills - Use cursor keys instead of mouse or tab
Include Alt+Key options for cursor positioning rather than having to use the mouse or Tab Key. eg Search, Save, Save and continue, Approve, Approve and add, etc
9 votes -
Purchases - Ability to apply a deposit
Deposits on Sales and Purchases - will this ever be possible in Xero? The workarounds are fine if you have a few deposits to keep track of. But what if you have many? Like my Art Gallery client where most art is sold on a 'layby' system. The layby isn't recorded as a sale until it is fully paid. The customer makes multiple payments. There is no way to directly link the payments to a pending sale. They all coded on-mass into a prepayment liability account. The only way to keep track of payments is a spreadsheet which is time…
3 votes -
API - Assign a Project to an Invoice line via the API
Via the XeroAPI, assign a project to a line item on an invoice.
Looking in both the invoices, and projects APIs I can not see how to do the assigning.
Also, If i assign the project from with in the Xero website, and GET either the invoice or the project, neither response seems to have the assignment.
First raised by Chris Chase on the community archive: community-forum-archive/discussion/118540025
9 votes -
Direct Bill Payment - Notification when payment has been authorised
When processing an invoice for payment - request someone to pay option - an email is sent to my boss for her to authorise the payment and I receive the below message :
You have requested someone to review and pay a bill payment batch Xero business: (Business name)
A request has been sent to the following users in your organisation to review the payment details and pay
However, when my boss has done this, I do not receive any further notifications. It would be helpful if another notification could be sent once approved / paid otherwise there is…
2 votes -
Send invoices - Option to not send if customer has larger credit on account
Ability to not send out automatic overdue invoices IF there is a larger credit on the account.
2 votes -
New invoicing | Payments - Auto populate FX rates
To have the Xero Fx rate populate automatically, show up as a suggestion, or be able to be selected via drop-down list within the Payments screen when Fx is involved. Currently you have to open a new tab, go to settings/currency, enter you date and then copy/paste the Fx rate.
1 voteHi team, while this isn't in our plans right now, we'll track interest in this here and share if there's any change.
If coming across this idea you feel this'd be useful to you too, make sure to add your vote.
Batch Deposit - Create multi contact deposit without invoices
In QB you can "create a deposit" and in each line item, you can assign a customer, assign a GL account, class & amount. (there is also a line to assign to an invoice/customer ledger if you use those). You can then print a deposit slip from this as well!
PLEASE make this function available.
It is a hassle to enter every check or payment into "Receive Money", then have to go back and try to match up all the correct payments to the bank deposit in the bank reconciliation.
But if we don't do it like that, we cannot…4 votes -
Shopify - Multicurrency support
Xero and Shopify integration - Currency should not be an issue to connect both apps, foreign currency should be taking into consideration. A company can be having sales in different currency to different country. Xero and shopify please look into this issue to ensure the integration doesnt limit by the based currency for both apps.
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3 votes
Short term cashflow - Filter by project
I would like to evaluate cash flow by project. To be able to see when cash was received and payments made for each project. It will be a useful tool to manage a project and decide when to invoice and to know when we are funding projects from our own cash. At present there isn't a report which I can run to see cash flow by project. Could you please consider building one. Thank you.
1 vote
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