Xero Expenses - Email to create expenses
Xero Expenses - The ability (like with bills) to forward an email invoice to Xero and it to be automatically added to your Xero expenses app.

Hi Lilly, with Xero expenses you can upload a copy of a receipt and have it auto capture the contents to create an expense through the app - See more on this here
Is there a reason you'd prefer to email receipts to your org over the existing method? Will help when sharing back with the team.
Kelly Mansell commented
Could you please add a feature that allows users to email receipts directly to Xero, where they would be uploaded as part of an expense claim?
Currently, receipts and bills can be forwarded and uploaded under 'files,' but this is limited to invoices and bills. Extending this functionality to expense claims would be incredibly helpful.
This is for the web, not through the app.
Christine Sweeney commented
Add a feature for expense claims where the user can email to a certain email address that's associated with their account. It automatically matches to the claim. Concur in US has this feature and it's pretty great.
Kane BULLEN commented
The workaround I found was to stop using it and use a much better product. Has been working well for us!
Daniel Bond commented
For everyone waiting for this feature I've found a workaround, at least for iPhone users.
Open the email on your iPhone > Press reply > Press Print > On the print popup reverse pinch the preview at the bottom (like you're trying to zoom in) > This opens a new screen, press 'share' in the bottom left corner > Share to Xero Me > Press Analyse.
It will go into Xero Expenses and be analysed.
It's somewhat convoluted but has revolutionised our workflow!
Edith Serkovich commented
Most of my receipts are via email as opposed to physical receipts (that is only subsistence). So I currently have to save the email in a month specific folder and then have to print to PDF that particular email before I can save the email receipt onto Xero expense. It's all very very time consumign and removes the efficacy of the Xero me app.
Jo Whapham commented
Why for goodness sake are when I look in claims history in the app is it showing expenses for 2021 at the top? It needs to show the most recent at the top. Staff are having to go here to see if their team have any expenses to be approved due to the new app not grouping each staff members claims together.
The new app is incredibly frustrating for users and approvers!!!!!!!!!
Something needs to be done to improve it!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Tim Sheard commented
This feature really helps staff save a lot of time when submitting receipts and is available on other apps like Expensify.
In some organisations, I've seen Xero get marked down in vendor assessment [against other Expense platforms] because it doesn't have this feature.
Oliver Mellor commented
This feature would be useful so that my VA can send via email and not need a separate Xero login.
Jim Ireland commented
Many receipts are not an attachment, they are just an email., a submited screen grab often does not include the full email, as it is to long.
please provide an email address to which such emails can be submitted, this is a standard feature elsewhere.
Tinkie Olckers commented
Many company's in South Africa are going paperless and offer to email the receipt instead of giving you a printed copy, would be nice to get them to email it straight to xero.
On another note, why can't you add more than one image to an expense claim, very often the receipt is too long to take one photo. How can we add more than one picture?
William Mullen commented
Yes this is a basic feature that other apps have had for years.
You can simplify and even automate processes with this feature.
Ashan Ponnusamy commented
Yes a huge reason - uploading an email is simply not an action!!! if there is an attachment, one needs to open the attachment, then upload to Xero. Often the email does not come as an attachment either, so then it adds even more steps to 'create' a document first - see Expensify if you want to see how it works. Then there is the feature in so many platforms to email direct from source...
Jason Bradshaw commented
I find it bizarre that i can't email the receipt to Xero. I receive the receipt by email - why not just forward it on to xero.
Leah McVeigh commented
It's hard to believe that Xero needs this explained to them, but since they asked...
The majority of invoices I receive via email do not include a separate attachment that I can easily "share" to Xero Expenses. The full UX on an iPhone is:
Find Email>find the reply button at the bottom of the specific email, not the thread > Press Print > Press Share > Share to expenses.Clearly, it would be a lot faster if I could forward the email directly to xero expenses. I know it's possible to forward the email to Hubdoc, but it's impossible to assign an expense to a PROJECT in hubdoc, so that isn't really helpful.
Richard Oxland commented
Similar to the other comments here, I can’t quite believe that this feature is not implemented. Even SAP Concur which, frankly, is a joke in our house because it is so bad, even SAP Concur lets you email a receipt to receipts@concur.com from any email you have registered and it will create the expense for you.
Odhran McConnell commented
Xero is behind the curve on this one by a long way. Pleo, Dext, and Expensify all allow you to forward an email to a unique address associated with the expense user and for the details of that email to be captured and prepared as a draft expense ready for submission etc. This is a quality of life feature that's sorely missing.
Daniel Da Vinci commented
Just signed up for bills and expenses feature and I 100% assumed this feature would be default with the platform. I can't believe it's being questioned on the reason why this feature would be required?!
Kane BULLEN commented
As per other users, this is extremely important to us - we're looking to move from MYOB to Xero, and without this, we won't be going ahead.
Using the app is fine for paper invoices, but as the majority of our invoices are received as PDFs attached to emails, it'd be a painful process to save those files, and load up the app. Much better to be able to simply forward the emails, and have them added as a draft expense claim.
Eric Schwartz commented
The ability to email receipts into an expense management platform is a common feature and one I'm shocked Xero doesn't support. While the mobile app is great for snapping photos of physical receipts, there are myriad instances when forwarding an email is the quickest capture method. Further, several vendors (Lyft, uber, etc.) allow for the automatic emailing of receipts into an expense system. It would be great for Xero to be an option here.
Daniel Doulton commented
Many services automatically mail your expense to your chosen app/system - eg Uber, Lyft, Stripe etc…
Xero needs to implement this to streamline expense operations. Expensify and others already support this (from 2+ years ago).
Please prioritise this - more automation = less errors = less time on non-critical business tasks
Don’t become a friction point in our businesses.And AI will soon do all this and who cares which system you’re on.