1458 results found
Sales - Add customer purchase order and issue invoice from it
Sales - how to add customer purchase order received in Xero and issue invoice from that purchase order. This way it will be easier to track PO received from customer vis a vis the invoices issued.
14 votes -
Invoicing/Bills - Don't update all fields when editing invoice
When editing an Invoice or a Bill Containing Products, The form have the Very bad feature of automatically resetting the Qty to 1... causing all kind of error.
Sometimes we have to update an Invoice, a purchase order or a bill to reflect business changes. When you do that, the form automatically resets the QTY to 1 and the Reset the discount to Customer default and does not show you it was done. So mistakes are being made...
If you feel the need to do so, at minima, the page should highlights the modified numbers to give us a chance…2 votes -
Remittance - Include supplier Reference
We would love to be able to send a remittance advice direct from Xero which includes the Reference that the supplier has asked us to provide. We are having a lot of trouble with suppliers failing to match payments which is time consuming for everyone.
It would be a really easy fix!
And even better, would be when exporting a file to BACS, the Reference requested by each supplier should be included on the relevant line, not the global company reference that is currently exported. (not quite sure why it already works exactly like we want when you only export…26 votes -
Invoicing - Assign a default Due Date and Currency per Invoice template
To allow default settings for individual invoice templates. For example rather than set a default due date or currency for ALL invoices, allow individual invoice templates to be set there own due date timeframes , ie 7 days or immediate payment terms and also the same for currency.
The more standardised we can make our templates, the less likelihood of user error.
8 votes -
Invoices/Bills to Pay - Stop automatically scrolling down the page
When returning to Sales/Purchases Overview page ALL Invoices/Bills Xero automatically scrolls down a page moving past the first few lines.
Would it be possible to suspend this action please ?4 votes -
Inventory - Visible notes for users to see when using an item
We sell software from various vendors and many have rules relating to how their products are sold e.g. "Must include min of one license of X before customer can order any licenses of "Y" OR "Software Maintenance should be ordered with the licenses, otherwise it is ordered as a "Maintenance Upgrade" (with different pricing), and many other examples.
Updating these each time a new price list is issued must be done manually as Notes cannot be imported or exported making it very tedious.
Also, with Notes being at the bottom of the screen and needing to be expanded to see…
7 votes -
Xero Accounting app - Ability to send purchase orders
Send purchase order from mobile app
Frustrated as the platform needs tons of updates it’s terrible
Can’t mark off paid jobs
Can’t search for job name
No job name on invoicing why simple things that should be available58 votes -
Profit and Loss - Option to show opening and closing stock
Ability to show opening stock & closing stock closing amounts in the P&L on a monthly, quarterly etc basis.
A function to allow to pick a Balance Sheet code or P&L code for stock and specify what balance to report in the P&L or trading account. ie. when running May 2023 monthly reports, the ability to specify that the opening stock is the stock on hand balance at 30 April 2023 and the closing stock is the stock on hand balance at 31 May 2023.
18 votes -
P&L Report - Nested Variances / Variance of Formula Columns
I was able to add columns on a report to show tracked category subtotals alongside category totals, then I used 3 formula columns to show the category totals excluding the tracked category values and then the variance by $ and % excluding the tracked category values.
It would be nice instead to be able to make Variance columns that will refer to other Variance columns and/or Formula columns. This way, I gain the benefit of colour coding and arrows for these formulae, making them more directly comparable and more visually consistent!
2 votes -
Invoicing - Add optional donation
Allow charities to add an option for customers to make a voluntary donation when paying their invoice.
When making a payment through the pay now link, they would be able to add an additional amount as a donation, if they choose to.
4 votes -
Invoicing - Option to highlight selected invoice lines
It would be great to see an option of being able to highlight in red or yellow a particular line on your sales invoice for the client to specifically take note of, because at the moment when I add a note for clients to see I write it in capitals but it still gets ignored. Whereas if it was highlighted they may take more notice of it.
3 votes -
Hubdoc APP - Ability to view notes added to documents.
Can we please have the ability to see if a note has been added to a document when you are in the Hubdoc APP without having to go into a document.
The ability to see this is available in the Web version, would be great to see it in the APP as well.
11 votes -
Bill Payments - Use supplier's unique ID as the "Details" reference for Crezco payments
When paying bills using Crezco use the "Details" field from the Supplier Contact / Finance as the payment reference.
For instance if a supplier has given us a unique ID on there system as "DME002" use this reference in the payment field when doing Crezco payments.
FYI. It used to be this way with Wise payments? but has now changed as we move over to Crezco?3 votes -
Bills - Remove "Forwarded Bill" note from the Reference field
I'd like the ability to remove the "Forwarded Bill" note from the Reference field on the Bills tabs.
Purpose: to make the data on these tabs easier to view. All of our bills are input via the Email Bill to Xero functionality - this note therefore appears on every single bill and is not only redundant but makes the actual references / invoice numbers harder to read.
20 votes -
Bills - Bulk approve and bulk edit accounts on draft bills
I forward invoices to Bills via the email feature.
I then batch process these at regular intervals.
There could be 50 to 100 bills here.
I have set default purchase contacts for all these contacts yet none of these drafts use that until I go into the bill for manual approval.
This wastes a lot of time as I have to go through each bill 1 by 1.Allow me to bulk edit the accounts on Draft Bills and / or use the default account setting for that contact.
This simple change would save me hours and I would get…
10 votes -
Customer Statement - Show links to credit notes
Please can the hyperlinks to Credit Notes appear on the statements of customer accounts? We have so many queries to send credit notes after statements are sent out because there is no hyperlink to it on the statement, time consuming and unnecessary.
3 votes -
Sales Overview - Search within descriptions on invoice lines
Be able to search for a particular term within invoices. For instance as service that is not often invoiced. Could then allow you to copy that particular invoice to a new invoice.
3 votes -
Transaction Entry - Alert to warn when a future date has been entered
have a warning come up when an entry is dated in the future to avoid posting to the wrong year
7 votes -
Quotes - Edit the exchange rate in Quotes
I have found you are able to customise currency rates in Purchase Orders, Invoicing and Bills to pay, however you are unable to amend this in quotes.
Please allow to amend in all modules
2 votes -
Invoices - Bulk send receipts for paid invoices
If you receive a lot of payments on the same day (20th of the months) would be useful to select the paid invoices all at once and send the receipt to all clients at the same time rather than have to open every single transaction and send the receipts individually
Alternatively could be a feature on invoices were you choose to send receipt automatically upon payment received.
18 votes
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