Sales invoice - create credit note without applying
To create a credit note from an invoice without applying it to the invoice.
Currently the only option is ‘create and apply credit’.
We refund first then generate the credit note. So we need to allocate the invoice to the customer receipt, then allocate the repayment to the credit note.

Generally this is a time saving mechanism, not having to then apply the credit to the invoice. Appreciate the detail of your workflow Susan, as definitely makes sense in what you're trying to do here.
We'll start to get a feel for the interest around this here, and in the meantime - Not sure if it still suits your flow however if viewing invoices from the Awaiting Payments list, if you don't need to open the invoice, you could use the 'New Credit Note' option from here.
Maria Blackmore commented
We often have credits on a different statement to the supplier invoice (bill). The invoice has already been paid so I have to apply the credit to a random invoice which is nonsensical and not helpful. When ticking off invoices from the statement it makes it difficult to check as the credit notes are deducted from the invoice total making much more work; as isn't visible from the outstanding bills screen so you have to enter every invoice to check the invoice total and the credit note total. Why can you not just apply an standalone credit note which is included as a separate entry? This would just be included at the end of month in the same way as suppliers list bills.
Also it would be really helpful to be able to input batch invoices for one supplier rather than selecting the same supplier every time.