Xero Expenses - Set a default mileage rate for reimbursement
Set a default mileage rate for reimbursement in Xero expenses

Thanks for sharing and supporting the idea here, Community. We understand the needs and desire to set a default mileage rate for Xero expenses, however want to be upfront that this is not something we have plans for in the short term.
Our product team are staying close to the feedback, and will continue to review this idea, so if there's any changes planned we'll update you of this, here.
Tristan Price commented
Very surprising that you cannot set a standard mileage rate. Such an obvious default setting.
This absence is a really easy way to annoy users repeatedly. -
Markus Simpson commented
New to Xero. Disgusting that software that is so expensive has not implemented so basic, after being requested for over 2 years at this point. The whole point is to streamline accounts, right? This is something that just causes more admin for not being implemented.
Rifle Hughes commented
+1 on adding this. Forcing the employee to add the rate EVERY time leads to error, potential abuse, and wasted effort.
Corey Biczo commented
This is an absolute necessity, I can't believe after so many responses requesting for the change over the space of 2 years that this has not been addressed. Extremely dissappointing.
Lisa Height commented
Also for allowances that are meant to be paid as reimbursements ie overtime meal allowances. These have a set rate. we should be able to set these up the same as we can allowances.
Or to make the whole thing flow better just make allowances able to be not reportable for STP (ie payment summaries). -
Stephanie Green commented
This is a fundamental control feature for an expenses module. I'm amazed that it's not available.
Kristen Price commented
Very frustrated that we are still waiting for this. Also it would be great to be able to get a report on mileage claims specifically. We can't find a way to do this and it's helpful to know that total kms claimed over a period when working out the affordability of mileage rate increases.
Elliot Morris commented
def a good idea.
I get different rates from different contractors.
Geoff Sharp commented
I am a little shocked that 2 years after this was submitted it has not been added
Paul Granier commented
In January, we switched from QuickBooks Desktop to Xero and overall, we are extremely happy and are so glad we made the change. Xero's system performance is great, their pricing model is much more fair than Intuit's QuickBooks Online and the vast majority of features are as good or better than what we had in QuickBooks Desktop. The main dashboard is great and the daily account reconciliation process is definitely more efficient than it was with QuickBooks Desktop. So, overall, we are clearly happy and Xero should be proud of the product that they offer.
With that being said, there are 3 missing features (compared to QuickBooks Desktop) that I think would make the product significantly better:
1) Customer Hierarchies - We have large customers that have many departments and within Xero the only way to manage this is with Customer Groups, but the sophisticated Customer Hierarchies in QuickBooks Desktop were much better in terms of financial reporting. This allowed sales reports to subtotal by customer group, which I have found no way to accomplish in Xero. We currently need to run a "Sales by Customer Group" and a "Sales by Top Customer Summary" to get what was accomplished with one report in Quickbooks Desktop.
2) Lack of Xero Expense Approval Hierarchy - In fairness to Xero, we did not even have Employee Expense capabilities in QuickBooks Desktop (QuickBooks Online does offer Expense Mgmt.), but the inability to be able to assign an approver by employee or do any type of approver hierarchy has resulted in only one person doing all expense approvals for all employees. 1st line managers really need to be able to approve expenses for their employees.
3) The ability to set a default mileage rate. This is such a basic feature and would be so easy to implement, and the lack of this capability kind of undermines confidence that Xero Expense is a credible product.
Overall Xero expense is definitely a good start and most of the basics are there, but it needs some feature updates like these in order to make it viable for anyone but the smallest organizations.
I sincerely hope these features requests make it into the product in the near term.
Andrew Metcalfe commented
Just made the switch and cannot believe that Xero doesn't have this set as a basic feature.
There is so much in Xero that is lacking compared to our former accountancy package!
Annie Lydon commented
Another simple and efficient feature that seems to have passed Xero by....
Mike Clargo commented
The rate doesn't change across hundreds of claims - it is a frustrating having to enter it each time when it could so easily be made sticky or given a set value
Debbie Seagrove commented
This would be very helpful, it would be good to be able to set a default rate
Cathy Fold commented
This would be a very helpful fix, if the default rate could be set at the beginning of each year.
Mary Brettmann commented
It would make saving a mileage trip much faster
Francisco Fernández commented
A year already without any answer. I might have done a bad decision changing to Xero. I’m processing the first mileage claim, and I’m really surprised this doesn’t exist, I was taking that for granted.
Paul Granier commented
This should be a very simple enhancement and would add a lot of value...
Kerstie Wright commented
This would be a really quick but essential fix.
Kevin Storm commented
As well as what's being asked for, I think the default HMRC rates should be included to be allocated to each staff member - e.g. cars/vans, motorcycles and cycles in the UK.
Also, spitting the cars/vans rate between the first 10,000 miles in a tax year and thereafter. A YTD calculator would be good.