Workpapers - Roll forward to the next years workpapers
Ability to roll forward balance sheet items and permanent documents when finishing a set of workpapers
Purpose: to reduce time spent recreating them in future years

Sorry for the status confusion here, Simone. Atm, our team has no plan in building the ability to roll forwards the balance sheet items in Workpapers for now. Rest assured that we’ll still gauge the interest in the community here, so keep voting and let us know how this feature can ease your workflow.
Daniel Bland commented
There are third-party tools - like RecHound - that can do what you are asking. You can roll forward your support items for any account from any previous month.
Quick video here highlighting the features: you like it, you can link it to your Xero and start a free non-obligation trial here: -
Samuel Lawrence commented
I fully agree, there should be the ability to roll forward Xero WPs...just a feature that you can click on the client and see all quarters/months/years of WPs. This would be so helpful.
Sam Gray commented
@Dana A, ridiculous to call a workpaper Permanent when it isn't permanent 😂
That's why we don't use Xero's Permanent workpaper
Lachlan Goffage commented
We also wish to see an automatic roll forward of permanent documents to future returns, if the future workpaper pack has already been created.
If Xero could enable its permanent workpapers in each workpaper pack to sync to all of the clients permanent folders in succeeding workpaper packs, that would be great!
Allison Scholar commented
How is this not a thing on the radar to complete yet?
I feel like it'll be more time saving to go back to my excel workpapers rather than having to re-create the balance sheet workpapers each year.
Xero workpapers seems like a good idea in theory but the execution leaves a lot to be desired
Julie Hercock commented
This is a critical timesaver in any workpaper system.
Simone Hauschildt commented
Does Xero have any idea on a timeframe on when workpapers that roll forward may be available for use?