AU Tax - Business and depreciation schedule
We would like to have the following additional schedules:
Company Tax Return - business schedule
Individuals - Depreciation schedule allocated against partnership income

Trish Bedggood commented
In relation to the above - Individuals - Depreciation schedule allocated against partnership income, there should also be Depreciation against Trust Income.
As some clients still require a printed copy and as where unable to print the Depreciation worksheet not integrated to return this option would be Super Handy. -
Allisa Coltish commented
In addition to Depreciation against Partnership income there should also be Depreciation against Trust Income. The Depreciation and Motor Vehicle Deduction schedules should also be available to integrate as deductions against Trust income
Janelle Sawtell commented
This feature would be useful as not all assets are assets of the partnership. A partner may own assets that are used to derived partnership income.