Xero HQ - Combine custom reports with Adviser report
Would it be possible to combine the features of Custom reports (in particular the ability to set them as default reports and favourite them for access from the Reports drop-down) with Adviser reports (the ability to format using report codes and practice-wide sharing across any number of client organisations)?
Right now, a practice has to decide between:
Customising reports on a per-client basis - an incredibly time-consuming task to set up
Drafting an Adviser report every time - which can't be set as a default report on the Reports home screen or favourited for easy access and therefore takes longer every time it is used

Kenny Frisby commented
This is essential Xero!
We shouldn't need to rebuild a custom Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet from within Annual Accounts templates once created at client level.
We should just be able to delete the relevant reports that are useless and add the client level custom reports.
Not only are we now going to need to do this for every single client as we do Annual Reports, but then each year they will need amended for any changes during the year.
Its not practical to use the templates at practice level for every client.
Too many charts of accounts are completely different, especially those we pick up as new clients from competitors and those that set up Xero themselves then came for help.This is madness.
Please just give us the ability to add a custom report to client level Annual Reports.
Rant over.
Kristen Ryan commented
I have tried to make the switch today to start using the new reports, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss & General Ledger in particular.
After creating a customised layout for each of these reports & then saving them as bookmarks, I now realise that this does not work...
You should have the ability to be able to create a report;
- This financial year
- Compare to prior 2 years
- Show account codes
And then save this report as a bookmark to be able to use in the future & also in other xero files, not just the one that you created it in.We need to be able to refresh the reports when changing Xero files.
Having to create customised reports in each Xero file is very time consuming.
Dawn Gager commented
The ability to share/transfer customised reports between entities. Due to the reports upgrade i've had to re-custom reports previously used, but i've had to recreate these reports within each entity i'm managing.