Xero Tax (UK) - Support for custom notes in Financial Statements
When preparing the statutory accounts in Xero Tax it would be great to have the feature to create your own "freeform note". For example, I need to add a secured debts note to the accounts however Xero does not currently provide this note amongst the list, therefore I need a freeform note where I can determine the heading and body of the note to feature in the notes to the financial statements. Currently the workaround is to declare the secured debts note as a line with the creditors which makes the presentation of the accounts weak.

Hi team, reviewing this idea our team are exploring the possibility of adding the ability to add a number of Freeform Notes in some of the Financial statements for FRS102 1a as part of our plans to improve the Notes & Disclosures and offer greater flexibility. We'll round back to share once we have confirmation for you all. 🙂
Pooja Jain commented
I want to show share capital note in notes to financial statements prepared from Xero tax but on adding new disclosure, I am not able to do underline or draw borders or tables. How to form table in company accounts?
Marina Perrone commented
Support the query.
I faced the similar problem. As my client has a business sensitive issue to customise the director's report wording in the final accounts produced in Xero Tax. We have to use other services now to create the form and content that needed.
Really upset with this.