Workpapers - Integrate with the Xero trial balance
Integrate workpapers module into Xero with direct links to the Xero trial balance. Importing the trial balance is impractical and time wasting and the allocation of the account balances within workpapers is dependant on the report code allocations. You should have to option to view all the account balances and the net profit or loss from the trial balance when viewing workpapers to ensure all balance sheet accounst are included.

Daniel Bland commented
There are third-party tools - like RecHound - that can do what you are asking, but only for balance sheets.
Quick video here highlighting the features: you like it, you can link it to your Xero and start a free non-obligation trial here: -
Lillian Oh commented
Yes, this is the way that reviewers would work through workpapers.
Andrew Goldman commented
At least MYOB AE let you add a workpaper to a trial balance account. So much easier. They didnt get much else right but this was a big tick for MYOB AE
Greg Caudell commented
What a great suggestion! If the workpapers specify the Xero Client and period, they TB should be automatically loaded when the workpaper is initially created. After creation of the workpapers, only manual updates should be allowed.
Linda Indrisie commented
Yes. This is how accountants do their paper workpapers. Supporting documents behind each ledger account.
Tara Brace commented
This is really important and would save so much time from a review perspective, as well as improve the quality of the overall product.
Taking it one step further might be to have the workpapers automatically presented in the same order as the Notes to the accounts, with "Note totals" that can be expanded to see the detail $ balance of all accounts included in that note. ie if all Notes were "expanded", the workpaper home page would show the entire Trial Balance. Condensed, the Workpaper home page would reflect the $ per the Balance Sheet in Xero
Cooper Heath commented
This is critical