Hubdoc - Use 4 decimal places for Quantity & Price rounding
2 decimal places in Hubdoc is not enough. It must match Xero's 4 decimal places.
I have had to stop recommending Hubdoc to businesses that use item/inventory functions in Xero. Many businesses buy and sell products to the 4th decimal place. When you are dealing with large numbers 2 decimal places are significant. Users have become frustrated with having to do rounding line items and other fixes just to ensure the correct total price/quantity is captured in Xero.
Admin BKSP commented
This would be incredibly helpful for entering petrol receipts for clients with fuel tax credits as fuel pricing is 3 decimal places and Hubdoc rounds the price bringing up an incorrect total.
Fiona Stosic commented
This is a real shortfall with HubDoc. Please make 4 decimal places a priority!
Shelley Lovegrove commented
Agree. I can't accurately account for Fuel Tax Credits as fuel prices are usually $2.091 etc etc. So I have to amend every fuel receipt and with bookkeeping for a trucking business and several others that claim FTC etc this is a considerable amount of work.
Fiona Stosic commented
This really should be fixed by now!
Garry Hooper commented
Yes Yes Yes. Get this fixed!