Manual Journals - Search by ID
Manual Journals - Search by ID
To enable the search function on manual journals to include the journal ID

Tarryn Forte-Lyons commented
Can you create additional search functionality within the Manual Journal menu option to allow for entering of the journal number - to only allow searching on narration is a bit broad if you have the same narrative for mutiple journals in different periods. Currently I have to run journal reports to then lookup data from the journal number I am looking for. It would be quicker to allow the search parameter of the journal number / ID or the journal narration from the manual journal menu.
Titirangi Baptist Church commented
Please add journal ID field to manual journal search screen so you don't have to open every journal to get the ID number.
This would be particularly useful for repeating journals. I don't need all the detail shown on the Journal Report; just need the narration/description, date and ID so I can record it against our paperwork.
Shirley Yao commented
Yes, please add journal ID in manual journal. All the ERP systems I've used have the funactionality to search by journal ID NOT by description ! And please add a column for Journal ID rather need to click into the journal to see the journal ID. Journal Reports under Reports is not that helpful because when you click the DR/CR account it does not take back to the journal grrr.
Phil Arnott commented
Manual Journal Screen you can only sort by date, Narration or Debit Credit.
It would be ideal if you could sort by Journal Number?
Eg, when you have multiple entries for 30th June, sometimes you might want a different sort order , eg the order the journals have been completed in based on their journal number (used in the references).