Advisor Reports - Seperate field for trading name
A common situation we have with our clients' live Xero files is that the client wants the Legal/Trading name and Display Name as their business name, but we want it as the actual entity name. E.g. we would like to see A & B Smith Family Trust as the entity name in financial statements, but the client wants all their other internal reports/invoices as their trading name, say Adam's Mechanical Services.
We often find ourselves changing the name to what we require, publishing financials and then changing it back to keep the client happy.
It would be helpful to have an additional field where either just advisors can enter a custom name, or the Legal and Trading name is separated into two separate fields so that when preparing financial statements we can choose the different name.

Anita Wildman commented
We need separate fields for legal vs trading name - they are very different things and needed in different areas e.g. on invoice vs financials. It wastes time having to change between the two when publishing (and run the risk of invoice emails being sent with the legal name) - some clients are very precious about this - they want trading name, we need legal name. Please address - should be a simple fix. Thank you
Anita Wildman commented
Totally agree - separate fields for legal vs trading name needed - they are very different things and needed in different areas e.g. on invoice vs financials. It wastes time having to change between the two (and run the risk of invoice emails being sent with the legal name) - some clients are very precious about this -they want trading name, we need legal name. Please address.
Ariane Squarci commented
Would also like the ability to seach for the client (in XPM/Xero tax) by BOTH trading name or legal name. As advisers we use the client's legal name, but clients usually refer to themselves by the trading name, not having the ability to identify AND SEARCH for a client by either name is incredibly confusing.
Bianca Maggs commented
It would be great if you could add the following features:
1. A seperate reporting name for advisor reports that is not pulled from the client's organisation details. The reason being that clients prefer to use the trading name and this means we need to change the organisation name every time we publish financial statements. Further to this if the client is registered for auto superannuation, changing the organisation name results in the client having to register for auto superannuation again once the name is changed.
2. The ability to show the legal and trading name seperately. We usually prefer to only show the trading name on the cover page e.g. ABC Pty Ltd and in a seperate line Trading As CBA business. On all the other pages we usually only use the legal name.