Xero Tax(AU) - Change end date to date of death
For deceased individual clients, the period end date for their final tax return needs to be changed to their date of death. The tax return should not still be reporting the entire financial year.
There is a cell where we are able to input client date of death.
Recommending for product team to code this update so the period end date of these individual tax returns are also updated to reflect the Date of death.

Hi everyone, while we appreciate you raising the idea for this here, we want to be upfront that this is not something we're looking to develop.
For electronic lodgment, the ATO's requirements to report the whole year with data of death as an extra field. There are validations and calculations that use this date. This is different to paper lodgment.
As this is the case, we will not make the end date editable.
Alexandra Leach commented
Great idea! It's very easy to miss such an important detail when it isn't displayed in a more convenient place. Thanks Stacey.
Daniel Masullo commented
great idea
Karen Maiden commented
I agree with all the above suggestions would be very helpful
Stacey Nitschke commented
It would be good to have (Deceased) recorded next to the clients name, similar to when a client is archived, so that it stands out. Nothing worse than when you don't realise someone is deceased.
It would also be handy to display the Date of Death under the Date of Birth on the main section.