Hubdoc - Sort documents by file name
HUBDOC Sorting Alphabetical Feature needed PLEASE. Wishing to request an extra sort option under the "Sort by" button above the "Processing", "Review", "Failed", "Archived" tabs. Currently we have "Upload Date", "Bill Date", "Due Date" & "Amount" options. We create a statements folder for each month and when we're trying to check off the statements with whats in Xero report that is sorted by alphabetical order it would be practical. Also its good to allocate suppliers in the review tab in alphabetical order too if you have a huge number to do then you are compartmentalising that supplier and all the expenses. As you can see it would be a logical process too if you could add the "Sort by Alphabet" also. I'm sure many would be grateful for this too. Thank you.

Roslyn Zillman commented
It would be SO SO very helpful if Hubdoc could add another "Sort by" option at the top of the page so that when we're allocating, we can allocate in alphabetical order for the same supplier as you are in the same head space of that expense to allocate, far easier than doing a supplier search and then allocating especially when my client has 100s of different suppliers to allocate in the month. It's also helpful in the other tabs too, for example when trying to sort your statements in alphabetical order to check them off against Xero before paying. Currently I create a folder, drag the statement to that folder, archive them then change the Due Date to a number that puts each of those suppliers in alphabetical order. HUBDOC already has Upload Date, Bill Date, Due Date & Amount so what's one more. PLEASE it would make life so much better for many people, I'm sure.
PLEASE VOTE FOR THIS to get it over the line. I'm sure it wouldn't be too big of an ask for the Hubdoc Creators.