Practice Manager - Bulk Completion of Jobs
Bulk Completion of Jobs
Our team mark jobs as ready to invoice. It would be great if the billing team can click next to (select) mutliple jobs and click on a complete button without completing the jobs individually.

Thanks for sharing with us here, team. We know bulk actions is important to helping you move quicker when using Xero. Our product team are working on bulk actions within Job Manager so you'll soon be able to bulk update multiple jobs at once, such as the job state, priority, start or due dates. I'll shift this across to working on it and round back to share when it's live.
Ruan Deysel commented
Has anyone found a way to do the bulk completion?
Jodie Lee commented
Absolutely... we have a heap of jobs that were incorrectly started by a previous staff member and now we have to 'cancel/complete' hundreds of individual jobs!!!
Alex Munro commented
I agree this would be a major time saver to bulk close down the monthly recurring jobs