Practice Manger - revert back to the old staff format
Please revert the staff page back to the old format.
What used to be able to be accessed all on one page, you now have to click through on to 10 different pages to access the same information, and then this involves scrolling through so much wasted "white space" as well.
Why are you insisting on pushing through with these changes to your programs which actually make more work for the people that use them.
And the consistent change to spread everything out so that you constantly have to scroll and scroll and scoll - why. Your need for so much "white space" on every one of the pages that you "update" is so extremely frustrating.
I thought it was only Xero that you were making these useless changes to, but apparently I was wrong.
Please get someone on to your programming team that actually uses these programs on a daily basis. Then at least someone there will start to understand our frustrations and say," hey guys, this change is not going to work, let's rethink it"

Jenny Draper commented
The amount of wasted white space, form spacing, and gaps is INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!