Personal Tax (UK) | Foreign tax paid on employment, self-employment and other income
Foreign tax paid on employment, self-employment and other income.
On the individual self assessment tax return, we need the ability to fill in the boxes on page "F6" of the Foreign pages marked "Foreign tax paid on employment, self-employment and other income"? In particular, we need to fill in columns:
A Country or territory code
C Foreign tax paid
E To claim Foreign Tax Credit Relief put 'X' in the box
F Taxable amount
I'm happy to share that this idea has been delivered! Xero Tax now supports every box on the SA106 on our existing Foreign income schedule for the 2023 tax year onwards. You can now add foreign tax on employment income, self employment income and FHL EEA profits from within the Foreign income schedule.
Thanks for supporting this idea 😊
Stephen Kelly commented
This is a critical function, so please expedite it, as I now have to use my previous tax return software for 10-15 clients until this functionality is in place