NZ Tax - Check of Overseas Income Jurisdiction codes to identify invalid country code
NZ Tax Audit Check of Overseas Income Jurisdiction Codes needs corrected to identify invalid country code UK and bring up a red error message. The correct code for the United Kingdom is GB not UK, the audit check should pick this up at the audit check stage which it currently does not. Thus when we go to file the return the return goes in to error as the jurisdiction code is invalid.
Anita Loughrey commented
This would help a lot and save time.
Alice Pottinger commented
will help with the audit checks
John Schol commented
Great time saver
Judi Hollingworth commented
This would be great
Alicia Thompson commented
I think thats a great idea to include that in the audit check.
Hayden Shaw - Malloch McClean commented
Very important to sort this to save time.
Nadia McLean - Malloch McClean commented
This would be helpful
Joanne Rennell Malloch McClean commented
this would be an easy way to avoid a return being put into error
Brooke Peterson commented
This is a common mistake.