Hubdoc - lock dates feature
Ability to set a lock period in Hubdoc, to stop data being entered for a specific period.

Vicki Carlisle commented
We really need a date restriction in Hubdoc to stop it posting into 100 years earlier. How it even interprets 20/10/23 as being 1923 is crazy. Ideally the lock period in Xero would link through and limit what can be done in Hubdoc, but in the absence of that functionality it should be able to be set in HubDoc
Sarah Field commented
Any update? This is critical for accuracy of information
Dwayne Edwards commented
Has there been a resolution to this yet? A period lock feature in Hubdoc (or linked to Xero) would solve this.
Chloe Vivian commented
Is this something that has been updated yet?
Greg Smyth commented
Clients are able to push invoices through to Xero from Hubdoc for periods that are locked in Xero. We need this feature to stop them amending prior period accounts that have already been completed.
Colette King commented
This can cause big problems as clients can post transactions into locked periods and potentially change figures in prior years accounts! As we know Hubdoc bills can be published to 'Draft' which eliminates this problem, but there is no way to set Hubdoc to do this as default. So, clients can still publish straight through to 'Awaiting payment' which is how this issue occurs. Please update the setting ASAP.
Anne-Marie Martin commented
If you have a lock date in Xero you can't enter a spend money in Hubdoc prior to that date however you can make a bill date earlier. Hubdoc sometimes read an invoice wrong, I had one 1922 instead of 2022, as auto sync just post the bill to Xero this was throwing out the prior year accounts payable. I think that Xero lock date should prevent bill date before that date also