Settings and activity
4 results found
367 votes
Hi community, we’ve just released some new keyboard shortcuts to new invoicing, that cut down the number of mouse clicks and help you perform actions on your invoice with some simple keyboard entry options.
There’s a range of different shortcuts that you can explore, and in particular a few that I wanted to call out for ‘Approve’ options that I know will be of most interest to you, here;
- Approve (Ctrl-Alt-A OR Cmd-Opt-A on a Mac)
- Approve & add another (Ctrl-Alt-O OR Cmd-Opt-O on a Mac)
- Approve & print PDF (Ctrl-Alt-R OR Cmd-Opt-R on a Mac)
- Approve & email / send eInvoice (Ctrl-Alt-E OR Cmd-Opt-E on a Mac)
While you get used to the combinations of shortcuts our product team have added small prompts to highlight these in the product, and if you’d like to view the full list of options you can see them all on Xero Central.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jeroen Brand supported this idea ·
1 vote
Jeroen Brand shared this idea ·
291 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jeroen Brand commented
Not a new idea but I was told by your support team to post this here. Can we please have the payments block at the bottom of the invoice back? That was a real time saver compared to the current way to record payment.
Jeroen Brand supported this idea ·
207 votes
Hi team, while we don't have immediate plans to change the placement of buttons on new invoicing we're interested in staying close to this feedback and I'll move the idea to Under review for the time being. We'll return to confirm any outcomes.
Jeroen Brand supported this idea ·
Hi Xero,
We are using Apple.
Cmd-Opt-A brings up a coding screen when on an invoice.
It does not achieve the intended action of Approve.
A clear button at the bottom of the invoice where they eye rests after checking an invoice may be a more user friendly option? (This is what the old invoicing has, that is not by coincidence, that was thought through)