New Invoicing - Move Save button to bottom of invoice like classic
Please move the SAVE for the New invoicing to the bottom as per old invoicing. When you have an invoice with 30-50 items and then have to scroll back up to save it adds to the pressure of getting things done.
Or Better still
Leave the old there until you've got it together and your Paid subscribers are happy.
We are seriously looking at moving away from XERO due to all the changes you impose on us without proper UAT. More often than not it creates more work for us and causes more stress we just dont need in an already busy environment.

Hi team, while we don't have immediate plans to change the placement of buttons on new invoicing we're interested in staying close to this feedback and I'll move the idea to Under review for the time being. We'll return to confirm any outcomes.
Shannon McMonigal commented
Agreed, especially since they've spread it out so much more, it only takes a few lines & suddenly you're constantly needing to scroll.
Michelle Richardson commented
Couldn't agree more! Having to scroll back up to the top of a screen is madness. Even adding a new customer while processing an invoice has the Save button at the top of the screen, it makes no sense
Jo Heuston commented
We've been telling you for months new invoicing isn't working on a practical level for those of use that pay for your software. Why is no one listening ? Why not dump new invoicing as a bad decision or keep classic invoicing at least as an option.
Jisel Fernandez commented
Going back to the top to approve an invoice is not efficient.
Additionally, the first option you have is "Approve & email", maybe it's just me but normally I only need to approve an invoice so now with the new invoicing I have to click on the arrow to approve.
Sorry but most of the changes are more time consuming not an improvement to the old invoicing. -
Olga O'Keefe commented
you are right, new invoicing is extremely slow for everyone! We all complaint about it. We think that it is due to the autosave function.
You can look at this discussion.
Corinne Hills commented
In general, I prefer to work from left to right and from top to bottom. Having to back-track, up to the top, to save, is a time waster, and it really isn't convenient. Furthermore, I find that the new invoicing layout, on my computer screen, at least, still has me moving back and forth, across the screen. On my screen, the classic invoicing has everything in a logical order, in one row, from left to right, across the top. I can see several rows at a time, and I have a good idea of how the invoice will look by the time I complete my entries and save it. I find the new invoicing requires me to go back and forth, and then I don't really see the whole thing until I go all the way back to the top to save it. This is tedious! Finally, is it just me, or does this load and save really slowly compared with the old invoicing? I keep trying it, but I still hate it. For me, nothing is an improvement over the classic version, and there are lots of downsides.
Kelly He commented
Agree - the flow of the classic version makes more senses. You review all your line items and at the end you Save or Approve your invoice. Going all the way back to the top to Approve an invoice it's not practical when you have 50-60 lines on your invoice. Or at least, the top panel where the Approve button is should be freeze, then we don't need to move all the way back up.
Also, can we just have the "Approve" button like in the classic version. This is more useful than the "Approve and email" button.
Becky Dwyer commented
I would be interesting in having a button at the top and at the bottom. Sometimes we have long invoices, which are made longer by the large spaced rows, and it takes ages to get back to the top of the page. And I like to confirm the total at the bottom before hitting approve, so that's plenty of back and forth if I don't have my caffeine.
Joan Gibbon commented
I would love the approve and print the same as the old system, clients are making mistakes of 'approve & send' and they don't mean to ....
approve and print is great option, and with the older version you could then e/mail after printing, its great for proofing of typing errors for them as well.... -
Mary O'Riley commented
Another time wasting feature of your new system. Is it not just common sense, intuitive, logical, to put the SAVE button at the bottom of the area you're entering information into??
Emily Aspden commented
Have the product development team actually sat down and created an 80 line invoice?
My guess is not.
Because if they did, they would understand how counter intuitive it is to have to scroll all the way up to save or approve an invoice (don't get me started on the two steps of clicks to approve because I'm one of the 'minority' who doesn't want to 'approve and email').Please please move it back to where it was perfectly fine, at the bottom of the invoice.
Kielan Faria commented
Much more efficient at the bottom of the invoice.
Polly Hutchison commented
As yet another customer with long invoices, please put it at the bottom.
Loretta Sutcliffe commented
Can I ask why Xero thought the new sales format works and looks better. It does not flow with dataentry. You have moved the save/update button to top of screen which means when a business now starts to enter a draft sale and it has a number of lines you have to now scroll to the top of the page where as before it appeared close to your last entry line. The font is now larger which I personally find takes up more of the screen so you have to change formats all the time. Can we please have the option to continue to use the old format or at least change where the save/update button is to appear.
Fiona Davidson commented
I have now created and Off Site petition..... Petition for Xero to stop making changes... -
Jackie Townsend commented
This is another one of your new "features" that I just can't wrap my head around at all! I wish someone would explain the "pro" of having the "Save" button at the top? I realize if we don't speak up, we won't be heard, but Dear Lord - I am soooo busy that stopping to try to add my voice to this is consuming time I don't have. Especially when I fear no-one will even consider our thoughts and suggestions!! We've been using XERO since 2017 - I can assure you I have seen you ignore many requests and recommendations, the majority of the changes you have made do not positively affect my work flow but do the exact opposite - more key strokes, more scrolling, more tedious steps!
Nicolle Mintilana commented
We sometimes have to raise invoices with over 40 lines, the button at the bottom made all the sense... Your "upgrade" is the most counter-intuitive thing I've ever seen. All this "we can't support two invoicing layouts at the same time", simple. Don't. Develop the new one on a separate platform , beta test it and then tweak it before rolling it out. I'm not a developer and this makes sense to me. Might not be cost effective though... which I think is where the problem lies. This is beyond ridiculous, we are all asking, please put it back where it was and are being told blatantly, no.
Platypus Billing commented
Oh ... you are interested in hearing more!!!! Terrific ....
How much time do you think your clients want to spend on Beta testing?
You could hire people to do that.Today I am being forced again to use your 'new invoicing'.
And I am being forced again to communicate to you about the things I've already brought forward.
How many votes does it take?
Do I have to run a campaign?I am trying to do my work which is not testing software.
There is no benefit in having it on the top.
The invoice is created, we are working top - down NOT down-top.
So the button for further actions ought to be at the bottom, not at the top.
I am not sure in which situation this would be different.I am flabbergasted by the nonchalence approach .... "please tell us one more time what you want". Again, you can do that with a focus group or something.
Susannah Morgan commented
I agree, put back at the bottom. The save and close is not helpful either as you then have to go back into the draft copy to approve and print the pdf and email.
Surely the whole point of having this consultation is to listen to what your paying customers require from this application?
Pyroclassic Fires commented
We need this at the bottom. If you have 50 lines in an invoice, having to scroll all the way to the top to Save is a pain in the proverbial.