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323 votes
Hi everyone, to front foot some of the recent comments we will not be bringing back classic invoicing. With developments continuing within new invoicing, we do want to let you know that our product teams are highly engaged with your feedback and the ideas for new invoicing on the site.
We understand there's good interest in being able to add a payment directly from the invoice screen and appreciate the efficiencies expressed by customers in being able to do this. At present we're reviewing this feature and will move the idea across to Under Review. I'll be back to share more on the outcomes. Thanks
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
14 votes
Olga O'Keefe shared this idea ·
181 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
The below post, @Jen Paul, February 17, 2025 10:49 AM, shows a reply from Xero Support. It is extremely disappointing. This issue has nothing to do with the invoice template. We can create the template exactly how we wish and use our trading name in it only.
The problem is an EMAIL template. We can't customise it. New invoicing puts the LEGAL name at the top of the email message.
This problem can be fixed in a second. Just replace "Legal / Trading name" on "Display name" in the code that creates the email message.
Both names are listed in the Organisation Settings.
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
150 votes
Hi everyone, we appreciate your continued input and feedback on this feature here. Being able to copy to purchase orders and bills is something our team are monitoring feedback of closely and very much across the this idea, however there are a few other priority pieces of work that are currently of focus.
Right now, it is still possible to copy an invoice to a purchase order or bill from the list views(Draft, Awaiting approval, Awaiting Payment or Paid tabs). You'll find you can select the invoice/s and click 'Copy to...' - You can find out more detail and ways of doing things within new invoicing through our guide on Xero Central.
We'll keep you in the know here of any progress or updates for this feature.
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
@Monique Boseley
I read about it in another thread, I think. But Xero made some partial work-around for this problem.
We can copy an invoice to an invoice, bill, PO and quote not from the invoice itself but from the list of invoices. However, we can copy only DRAFT and PAID invoices. It is extremely annoying.
@Kelly M,
Could you please tell us when we will be able to have this function for ANY invoice?
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
851 votes
Hi community, we value there are many different aspects within new invoicing where our invoicing users can see small changes to flows and actions could make a big difference to your workflow and experience.
I can assure you we’re engaged, we’re listening and we’re taking all your feedback into consideration as we keep building on new invoicing.
While we’ll continue to keep you updated on specific releases that relate to things that’ve been mentioned in this idea, our teams have also begun some research to get a deepened sense of our invoicing users for future improvements. We’d like to connect with you all in this idea, and invite you to share further feedback through our survey. Your insights will be invaluable to the team as they continue to plan and prioritise in this space.
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
@Justine Quarrell
Thank you for posting your comment about random account numbers. I noticed it as well! I guess it is connected to autosave problem. Autosave interrupts the workflow. For example, if you are typing 458 and after you hit 5 the autosave is saving "8" won't be recognised and Xero will input 450 instead.
I hope the horrible autosave will be optional.
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
How many versions of new invoicing are active at the moment?
I tried to email an old invoice in the locked period to check that this action would appear in the invoice's history. We have two companies. One company did not have any warning, I emailed the invoice and received it. But there is no addition to the history. It even does not say that the invoice was updated.
When I tried to do the same in the other company a pop-up window appeared saying that it was impossible to amend this invoice as it was in the locked period. (this nonsense was discussed before). But the message was sent regardless, and I received it. Of course, nothing was added to the invoice history.
As you can see, my experience is different from @Roshelle Dalziel's.
I am afraid that on 20.11.2024 we will still be comparing apples and oranges and not seeing the proper invoice history.
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi Kelly,
has anyone mentioned needing to change the font size in new invoicing? You can put side by side two browser tabs with new and classic of the same invoice and be shocked at how huge the new invoicing font is!
The smaller font might improve the view dramatically. I guess the smaller font will make the entire invoice table smaller.
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
222 votes
Hi team, while we don't have immediate plans to change the placement of buttons on new invoicing we're interested in staying close to this feedback and I'll move the idea to Under review for the time being. We'll return to confirm any outcomes.
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
you are right, new invoicing is extremely slow for everyone! We all complaint about it. We think that it is due to the autosave function.
You can look at this discussion.
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
59 votes
Appreciate your feedback, everyone. Currently our team are doing some work on improving the line item grid (where you enter details of your invoice) this also involves providing the ability to view the full account name both when editing and viewing the invoice. For now we'll shift this idea to working on it and I'll share more news when this goes live. Thanks
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
I am a bookkeeper, an ordinary user as you are :).
If you need to correct 10 out of 50 invoices it is easy to do via that report. When you spot the wrong account you can click on the line of the report, it will open the invoice in question, and you can correct the ledger account. I attached a sample of this report. I deleted all dollar value columns in it.
I was and am advocating for classic invoicing in Xero community. You can check this link. It is the most popular.
Xero did read this discussion; they organised several online meetings with users. I took part in one of such meetings. Due to this discussion Xero agreed to postpone the classic invoicing retirement. But it will be retired on 27.02.2025. Yes, it’s a pity that we are losing our beloved beautiful Xero. It is not beautiful anymore, it’s ugly. And, yes, I totally agree with you about UAT.
They gave us the only explanation: classic invoicing platform is old and not compatible with the new world of online based software. There were several discrepancies (or outright lies) in their statements. For example, Diya Jolly posted in her blog that they had to do double work for everything to keep classic and new invoicing on par. Why then new is a downgraded version of classic? I guess we will never know it.
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi Mirela,
For the time being, there is a workaround for this issue.
You can run a report "Receivable Invoice Detail". There in the filter under Status you can tick Draft if you want to check your draft invoices before theiy are approved. Group it by Invoice Number. Check that under Columns Account is ticked. Then you can check all your draft invoices at a glance. Also, you can reorder columns as you wish to make it easier for your eyes.
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
377 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
I deleted the attachment in my below post.
It will be great to spread your amended post to the wider community!
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi All,
few minutes ago I received two messages with the links to two latest posts in this thread. Those were from Sigmatech (you can see it below) and another one from Jim Morris. I can't see Jim's post though. I guess, it was removed somehow.
Anyway, I attached his reply as a PDF file. I added ACCC's reply I received in July 2024 when I reported Xero Australia.
Maybe, if we submit such reports to ACCC en masse they will notice the issue.
PS. Jim's PDFed reply was deleted.
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
I can suggest a different aspect of why they do this “detailed” autosave. It is much easier from the coder’s perspective to save every click we do than to save only meaningful info as the classic version does. It turned out that this “detailed” autosave is useful for quotes. Great! Keep it in quotes only and leave the invoice history free of rubbish notes.
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
Autosave in every field is an OVERKILL!
As it was discussed in the community, just do a reminder option "you have an unsaved job" with two options to save or cancel when you are closing the tab in the browser.
Also, please restore "a beautiful" history of classic invoicing. We need to have just two lines: invoice was approved and invoice was emailed instead of 5 lines:
Invoice Sent
Invoice Unsent
ApprovedThe most bizarre is to see unsent when you click the Approve & email button.
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
30 votes
Hi Olga, really appreciate all the detail in your steps and the screenshots you provided.
I tried testing this myself with a Chrome browser and did get the same errors and behaviour you described, so have raised this with our product team. I'll keep you updated of any information I get back from them on this, here.
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi Kelly,
I received an answer from the expert.
Two first situations are new invoicing errors. Nothing new about it.
The answer on the third question has an educational value. Information on how Xero applies payments to the invoices and bills and shows them in the reports can be useful for other users.
Below is a copy of my case.
Hi Olga
Thank you for inviting Xero Support into your organisation and attaching details information about the issues.
To answer your question regarding not being able to send pre-locked date invoices. We're currently aware of an issue within New invoicing, where sending an email for an invoice that is issued before the organisation's lock date is not being recorded as sent in the History and Notes section of the invoice.
Our Product Team are investigating this issue and we'll be in touch as soon as we have an update. Please note, the invoice email will still be sent when using New invoicing, however it won't be marked as sent.
As a workaround, please send this invoice through Classic invoicing for this sent line to appear in the History and notes
For your second question, as you’ve found right now it's currently not possible to Copy a pre-lock date invoice using New invoicing. You can raise this idea in Xero Product Ideas platform where you can view and support current ideas or create a new one to share your thoughts.
As for your third question regarding account transactions report, when a payment is recorded on an invoice that has multiple lines, Xero automatically splits the payment across the separate invoice lines when it's included in reports that are run on a cash basis. Part payments will be apportioned in the same way. This ensures the invoice line detail such as account code, tracking category, or sales tax rate can be reported separately.
Therefore, when you run the Account Transactions report, the payment transaction(s) will show differently depending on whether the report is run on a cash or an accrual basis, as follows:
Cash basis: there will be separate Receivable Payment (Credit) transactions, one for each invoice line item.
Accrual basis: there will be a single Receivable Payment (Credit) transaction for the total payment amount. If you group or filter the report, or the invoice lines have different tracking categories, there will be separate transactions for each invoice line.I've included a link to a support article for more information about the Account Transactions report and a link to our Xero Product Ideas.
Xero Central article: Account Transactions report
Xero Product Ideas: Copy pre lock date invoice in new invoicing
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Olga O'Keefe
Today 3:09 PMHi Yash,
Thank you for your prompt reply.
I experimented with the tracking categories and confirmed that Xero does split the applied payment pro-rata per category. Okay, I understand the numbers now.
But I've got curious how Xero keeps track when the invoice/bill is paid from the bank account? I've never seen the split-per-tracking-category line in the bank account report. Xero is cleaver to show "Multiple Categories" phrase instead the category name. Unfortunately, it happens only in the bank account report.
If payment was made from "non-bank" account, it shows the split.
Now I understand the "weird" split of the payroll in the wages & salary account. It tracks the category.
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi Kelly,
Something sinister is happening in our books. I paid the outstanding balance of the bill from the suspense account. This is a bill from a car dealer. This outstanding balance is financed. So, I need to record a loan etc. That was why it was paid from the suspense account.
This balance was $29,275. I expected to see one-line entry in the suspense account, i.e. $29,275 CR. Instead of this I saw TWO LINES. Please see the attached file. I have no clue how it was split this way.
You can see the bill in the attached file as well. It had a negative line, deposit of $1,000. Was it the reason? It is not connected to new invoicing but shows the same glitch in the suspense account.
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi Jim,
Xero did not lock anything in our books. I lock every month when finish the EOM procedure.
Sorry, my explanation was very long and complex. The locking was not a problem.
The problem was and is that when we lock the period, we must be allowed to do certain actions with the records in the locked period (email, copy, credit). Classis invoicing allows us to do so, but new invoicing prohibits it. There are many posts about it in the product idea space.
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
The ability to lock a period is a standard option in any accounting software. It is useful and needed. But there are some functions that we must be able to do with the bills and invoices recorded in the locked period: copy, email, apply a credit. These functions do not alter any records in the locked period.
In the beginning of this year new invoicing did not allow to do anything from above with an invoice in the locked period. Now, we can do some but it is erroneous.
This problem goes away if we open the locked period. But it is not a solution. There is the only solution to this problem - Xero MUST fix their errors!
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
Jeff Fowler,
thank you for your comment.
While I was posting my idea I found this:
businesses/suggestions/44960803-lock-dates-allocate-credit-notes-to-invoices-bilThey do not plan to do it. But read Kelly's reply and users' comments. It is very sad.
Xero must have consultants who are not just bookkeepers and accounts but active Xero users as well.
Olga O'Keefe shared this idea ·
37 votes
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
5 votes
Sorry Lynne, It's a bit hard to troubleshoot and get the detail to understand why your contacts details like email aren't coming through to your copied invoice. I've just tested this with Draft and approved invoices being copied and the email of the contact was bought through each time as expected. I'd recommend raising this with our specialist through the Contact Xero Support option in Xero Central for closer inspection.
Thanks for also checking on this, Olga - that message on defaults application is related to the Sales defaults saved against inventory items or the contacts record but doesn't apply to the contacts personal details. These should be applied when copying an invoice.
To explain a little more - The reason defaults aren't automatically applied is because the line item fields will be prefilled with the information from the existing invoice that the new one is copied from.
We understand…
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi Kelly, thank you for following up on this one.
I just experimented and discovered why we can't see an email address in the freshly copied invoice when you click on "Email". Because it was not saved!!!
Classic invoicing does not show the Email button in the draft invoice until the invoice is saved. It does make sense.
New invoicing shows the Email option in the dropdown menu BEFORE the invoice is saved. When we push it, no email address in the "To:" line. After the invoice is saved, the "To:" line shows the email address.
My suggestion is it's better to remove the "Email" option from the dropdown menu. It must appear only after the invoice is saved.
I tried the above in the morning with dummy invoices.
Now I had to copy three real invoices and email them. The first invoice did show the email address in the "To:" line when I clicked "Approve & Email" button. But, two other invoices did not show the email addresses. I had to cancel. When you cancel two things happen: the invoice is approved and marked as unsent. Then I emailed the invoices using the dropdown menu option "Email".
It is very frustrating.
1. Why cancelling "Approve & Email" cancels "Email" only?
2. Why the first copied invoice was okay with the email address and two others were not?An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi Kelly,
May I interpret this? In new accounting, when we copy an invoice, the message appears:
"Contact and Item defaults will not reapply to the new invoice. If you want to reapply defaults, remove and reselect the Contact or Item after the invoice is copied."
This means that we need to reselect the contact if we want to see the correct email address!!!
This undermines the purpose of copying an invoice.
Is it possible to restore a proper "copy to" function as classic invoicing has it?
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
48 votes
Appreciate the feedback and including a screenshot of the notifications you're getting on the invoice, Andrew. Just to make sure I fully understand your idea here - Are you saying that rather than seeing the pop up you'd like to have these added as history events to the invoice?
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi Kelly,
Clearly, this is a glitch. Unfortunately, it got only 8 votes. I hope more users will vote. But, frankly speaking, is it just 1 vote enough to fix it?
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
383 votes
Hi community, we’ve just released some new keyboard shortcuts to new invoicing, that cut down the number of mouse clicks and help you perform actions on your invoice with some simple keyboard entry options.
There’s a range of different shortcuts that you can explore, and in particular a few that I wanted to call out for ‘Approve’ options that I know will be of most interest to you, here;
- Approve (Ctrl-Alt-A OR Cmd-Opt-A on a Mac)
- Approve & add another (Ctrl-Alt-O OR Cmd-Opt-O on a Mac)
- Approve & print PDF (Ctrl-Alt-R OR Cmd-Opt-R on a Mac)
- Approve & email / send eInvoice (Ctrl-Alt-E OR Cmd-Opt-E on a Mac)
While you get used to the combinations of shortcuts our product team have added small prompts to highlight these in the product, and if you’d like to view the full list of options you can see them all on Xero Central.
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
We do prefer the ‘Approve’ button as a default.
I experimented with ‘Approve & Email’. When you click it, it gives you an option to cancel it. The invoice is approved, but not emailed. It is not ideal, as it requires two clicks instead of one. But who knows when Xero can fix this issue? Meanwhile, we can use these two clicks to approve invoices without using the dropdown menu.
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
394 votes
Appreciate your feedback on how you'd like to see new invoicing improved to create more efficiency processing sales with Xero. There are a couple of different requests around defaults looped into this one idea that would be good to unpick and keep separate so we can keep you updated on any progress for each individually.
For interest around being able to set a default for the 'Approve and Send' button - There's an idea that's been started for this here that I'd recommend joining.
Kathy, your recent comment sounds more like the ability to be able to send invoices to a contact group with new invoicing - we totally get the interest in this too and have an idea for this here that you can follow.
Taking on board feedback we have made a change with the new send experience so now, selections for 'Include PDF of invoice' and 'Send…An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi Kelly,
I received a reply from your specialist. Please see it below. Could you please comment on it? It does contradict your explanation.
Hi Olga
Thanks for reaching out.
The 'send me a copy' does not stay on with the New Invoicing. This is a feature on the Classic Invoicing.
However this is a request that's already been raised with us and I've found an idea that's similar to what you’re suggesting in our Xero Product Ideas. Xero Product Ideas is a Xero website where our customers can share and support ideas for change.
If you have any feedback on New Invoicing, and have specific functionalities that you would like to see in New Invoicing, then we suggest you raise these in Xero Product ideas.
Our Product team will be actively monitoring these requests before the retirement of classic invoicing, and prioritising the ideas most requested by our customers.
I’ve included a link to the idea where you can view and support it or create a new idea to share your thoughts.
Xero Product Ideas: Sales Invoicing - Automate 'send me a copy' on invoices
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi Kelly, thank you for advising me to raise a case with Xero for my problem. Anyway, my browser does remember the tick in the "attached PDF" field, but it does not remember the tick in the "Send me a copy". What a strange browser!
I am addressing this issue with your specialist now.
An error occurred while saving the comment Olga O'Keefe commented
This statement is not true: "Taking on board feedback we have made a change with the new send experience so now, selections for 'Include PDF of invoice' and 'Send me a copy' are based on the last email you sent"
I just emailed 5 invoices. I ticked the "Send me a copy" box in the first email. Then I had to tick it in each of 4 consecutive emails. It does not remember the selection made in the last email sent.
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
10 votes
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
53 votes
Hi everyone, to give a bit more detail from our status update a few months ago - The ability to copy to a bill is a feature that the team will be building into the new invoicing experience. They have a few items on their agenda and I want to be open that this is not planned to be delivered until after the sunset of classic invoicing.
For the time being, you'll find you can still copy to a new invoice, quote, purchase order or bill from the invoices list view.
You can get a bit more of an understanding of what's coming from our Xero central page. When there's more news on copy to a bill I'll share this, here.
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
61 votes
Appreciate your feedback on how you use invoicing and the benefit you find in being able to approve and view the next invoice in sequential invoice number order. As we continue to plan further developments within this space, our product teams would like to engage you all here to get a better sense of our invoicing users for future improvements. We’d find your feedback invaluable and if you’d be interested in sharing with us, please fill in our survey here.
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
38 votes
It’s interesting to hear the different ways our users invoice and we appreciate you sharing how we could improve the flow of entry for you here. Being open this isn’t something we have plans for right now, however as our team plan further developments within invoicing, we’d like to engage you all here. To help our product teams get a better understanding of our invoicing users for future improvements, we’ve put a survey together and would love to hear your feedback through this.
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
7 votes
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
5 votes
Olga O'Keefe supported this idea ·
Hi Kelly,
It has been said many times, please stop insulting us with "new ideas" or "ideas". Please stop calling black white. Did you read 1984 by George Orwell? You took away our "arm" and attached it to our "back". Now you are saying that there is good interest to return the arm to its righteous place. Does somebody in Xero (management, marketing, PR, development departments) have courage to admit it?